Monday, 21 August 2017


Last month I went to Tasmania, Launceston city to be exact. We didn't go there for holiday but there's some activity in which we partake and it's located in Grindelwald, a small town just north of Launceston. 

We're staying at Aspect Tamar Valley Resort for 2 weeks, the picture was taken from a lookout in the resort. Two weeks may seem like so long, we spent the days here just hang around the main building and our cottage. But for me, I didn't feel bored at all. In fact, two weeks passed by just in a blink and i still craved for more.

Found this beautiful pathway on our way to the city

On our day off we spent it at Launceston's gorge. It's the longest chairlift but not the highest. Even so, it stills scared me and my mom. We didn't dare to move or do anything like taking selfies haha

And have our lunch near the seaport, please ignore the finger in the picture..since i'm just lazy to crop the picture

We stopped for a while at Melbourne for transit from Melb to Malaysia, so we decided to take a stroll for a while in the city.

Before going to Tasmania, I never really know about the place at all. But after spending some days there, I felt so much at ease. The city is very laid back, quiet and not crowded. After 2 weeks spending time there and when I finally go back to a big city (Melb), the difference was quite shocking and it makes me miss the life there. In my case, I just got back from Beijing one week before going to Launceston, so yeah, it's a nice change of pace from all the chaos there.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Life in Beijing

Ni Hao !

I'm currently studying Chinese Language program for one year in BLCU, Beijing. Since my last post, I've graduated uni, got my first job as Tax consultant and even got a chance to work as accountant for a while before I decided that I have to do what I've been wanting to do, studying abroad. But, the premise of doing Thesis just after getting my Bachelor degree was quite dreadful, and after some thought I finally made up my mind to just study Chinese language, which I hope will benefit me in the future.

So, it's been 3 months I started studying here.
I can speak some basic sentences , can hear what people said a little bit haha compared to the first time I came here only can use body language and didn't understand anything that they said.
The good thing here, I also learn to speak English cause all of my classmates couldn't speak Chinese that well also. Also in BLCU there's more foreigners here compared to the Chinese people, I think it's one of the Unis with the highest number of foreigners and very multicultural. I think there's around 105 countries which were participating in the Culture Festival a few weeks ago

Class 1201